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China's gold market development strategy research


Gold, knowing love special commodity, it is a symbol of wealth. Since ancient times, emperors or whether people are all gold, for the respect, for your gold. Gold value stability, high mobility advantages, portfolio contains gold with better risk preparedness, Gold is an effective portfolio distributor, gold investors to realize gains in several top risk minimization. Gold investors are most concerned about is the price of gold and gold supply and demand, the official gold sales, exchange rate changes, the world economic situation, inflation, a major international politics, political instability, war, the stock market, hedge funds and so on are affected by fluctuations in the gold price factors. October 30, 2002, the Shanghai Gold Exchange opened Business, "first bucket of gold" status settled, This marks that China's gold market has taken a solid step into the open era. China's gold market from the commodity-based transactions to the financial transaction based changes from the spot transaction mainly to the gold derivatives transaction based, from the domestic market to international market changes. Compared with developed sophisticated international gold market, China's gold market has just opened the door, in gold has just started many investors still do not know the gold market. Gold market and the financial markets, commodity markets have many different thoughts, many have their own unique place. China's gold market, the need for three changes : First, from the moderate competition, a sound legal system, intensify propaganda, accelerate the training of qualified personnel, the establishment of the regulatory system, such as measures to accelerate the gold market, China; two commercial banks to actively participate in China's gold market, and give full play this role, is its excellent opportunity, is strictly challenges; The third is to build as soon as the Chinese gold derivatives market, develop gold and gold futures options and other derivatives trading business, give full play to the futures market hedging and price discovery functions, increase our gold industry, gold industry and gold on the international market competitiveness.

This paper introduces gold and the gold market, the basic knowledge to explain the gold market and the foreign exchange market, Analysis of the impact on gold prices of many factors that affect the development of China's gold market barriers Discussion on the commercial banks to participate in China's gold market role, the Chinese gold market development strategy, He also thanked China for the gold market opening issues to explore. This paper is divided into four chapters, as follows :

Chapter 1 Gold and the gold market overview. Conceptual on gold, the impact on the price of gold to a number of factors, gold and other investment pros and cons of species comparison. on the famous five international gold market and the gold market in China and the history of the development of the Shanghai Gold Exchange is the history and pleadings.

Chapter 2 China gold market. Discussion on the establishment and development of China's gold market significance, the gold market and the foreign exchange market, import and export trade, expounded on RMB revaluation of the gold industry; on the supply and demand of gold prices; Analysis of the impact of China's gold market, an obstacle to development.

Chapter 3 Chinese gold market development strategy study. China raised the gold market, the channels discussed the commercial banks in the gold market roles; Construction of the research and development of gold derivatives market ideas.

Chapter 4 Development and the opening of China's gold market. From the gold market risk aversion, opening to the outside world Tax policy options and the gold market regulators four aspects of the proposed exploratory research, and the development and opening up of China's gold market strategy recommendations.

Keywords : gold price gold market development strategy to explore proposals









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